Reviews,Local food,Transportation Information,and Map Information of Lake Towada and Oirase Stream

Natural scenery

1.Basic Information

Lake Towada (Towadako) and Oirase Stream (Oirasekeiryu)

Located on the border of Aomori and Akita Prefectures, Lake Towada is a caldera lake formed by volcanic activity and serves as the source of the Oirase Stream. This 14km river, stretching from Lake Towada to Mount Yake (Yakeyama), displays a plethora of stunning natural sights such as waterfalls and valleys. Equipped with roads and walking paths, it offers a panorama of the four seasons for all its visitors.

Complete view of Lake Towada
Lake Towada

Fresh Greenery and Autumn Leaves of Oirase Stream (Oirasekeiryu)

The Oirase Stream presents nature in its full seasonal splendor, especially famous for its fresh greenery in spring and vivid autumn leaves. The best times to witness the new greenery are from May to June, and for the autumn leaves, from mid-October to late October.

Fresh greenery of Oirase Stream
Autumn foliage of Oirase Stream

Asura’s Flow (Asyuranonagare)

“Asura’s Flow” is a famous scenic spot in Oirase, frequently featured on television and in magazines. The robust flow of water weaving through dense forests provides a powerful and masculine landscape, drawing many photographers and artists, especially on weekends.

Flow of Ashura

Choshi Waterfall (Choshiootaki)

Among the prominent waterfalls of the Oirase Stream, “Choshi Waterfall” stands out with a height of 7 meters and a width of 20 meters. The waterfall’s beautiful spray and the rays of sunlight filtering through trees are characteristic. It is believed that this waterfall prevents fish from migrating upstream, leading to a theory that Lake Towada doesn’t host any fish. This scenic spot remains popular throughout the year.

Choshi Waterfall
Choshi Waterfall Icefall


Towada Shrine (Towadajinjya)

Located on the Nakayama Peninsula of Lake Towada, “Towada Shrine” boasts a history dating back to 807 AD. It houses the legend of a monk who battled a mythical dragon and, after the fight, transformed into the dragon itself. Historically revered for its water deity, the shrine attracts many visitors, seeing it as a power spot. Iron sandals, believed to be used by the monk, are enshrined on the premises.

Towada Shrine

Statue of a Maiden

Constructed in 1953 on the shores of Lake Towada, the “Statue of a Maiden” stands as an iconic symbol, being the final work of the famous poet and sculptor, Kotaro Takamura. Notably, the bronze statue was modeled after his wife, Chieko.

Maiden Statue

3.Local Food

Introduction to hot pot dishes using meat from all over Japan
Japanese hot pot cuisine is a dish where various ingredients are simmered in a broth. The broth, made from kelp and bonito flakes, is flavored with soy sauce or miso. Thinly sliced beef or pork, vegetables, and tofu are added. Eating together deepens the bonds with family and friends, making it especially popular during the cold seasons.
Introduction to Eastern Japan's Yakisoba
Yakisoba is a dish made by frying boiled noodles on a griddle, seasoned with a special sauce, vegetables, and meat (mainly pork). The sauce is a crucial element that defines the flavor of yakisoba, and its characteristics vary by region. In Eastern Japan, Yokote yakisoba from Akita Prefecture is particularly famous.
Introduction to East Japan’s  Ramen: Part 1
Introducing ramen from various parts of Eastern Japan.

4.Transportation Information

■How to Get to Lake Towada
Lake Towada National Park Association (English Support)

■Official Sightseeing Boat Website for Lake Towada
Enjoy Lake Towada from the lake’s surface. There are two routes: one circling the Nakayama Peninsula and the other connecting the entrance of the Oirase Stream.

Lake Towada cruise
Lake Towada cruise terminal

5.Map Information

Lake Towada was birthed approximately 200,000 years ago due to volcanic activity. With depths reaching up to 327m, it’s recognized as the third deepest lake in Japan. Although surrounded by severe cold and deep snow, the lake never freezes, often referred to as the “Mystical Lake.”

Map of Aomori Prefecture