Reviews, Local food , Transportation Information, and Map Information of Naritasan Shinshoji Temple, Nokogiriyama, Choshi, and Tateyama

Historic landmark

1.Basic Information

Naritasan Shinshoji Temple

Naritasan Shinshoji Temple, a historical Buddhist temple located in Narita City, is known as Naritasan. The temple, a center for the faith in Fudo Myoo and affectionately known to many as “Narita Fudo” or “O-Fudo-sama”, has a history stretching back over 1,080 years. It has been a place of worship for many since the Edo period and continues to attract over 10 million visitors annually. Being located near Narita International Airport, it is popular among foreign tourists, providing a place where they can experience Japanese tradition and culture.

Naritasan Shinshoji Temple
Autumn leaves at Naritasan Shinshoji Temple

Nokogiriyama Nihonji Temple

Established approximately 1300 years ago upon an imperial edict, Nihonji is the oldest temple in the Kanto region. The vast grounds are known for their long stone steps, totaling 2,639 steps made from “Mikageishi” stone, and host many historical and beautiful Buddha statues and carvings. From the summit of Nokogiriyama and the observatory known as “Jigoku Nozoki” (Peek at Hell), one can enjoy panoramic views of Tokyo Bay, the Boso Peninsula, and Mt. Fuji. The autumn leaves and the New Year’s sunrise are particularly breathtaking.

Nokogiriyama Japan Temple



Choshi City, with its refreshing summers and mild winters, is located approximately 100km from Tokyo and is the easternmost town in the Kanto region. It flourished during the Edo period due to the water transport on the Tone River and soy sauce brewing industry, notably hosting soy sauce manufacturers “Yamasa Shoyu” and “Higeta Shoyu”. Recommended tourist spots include the “Inubosaki Lighthouse” and “Chikyu no Maruku Mieru Oka Observatory,” where you can enjoy beautiful natural scenery. Around February, it is possible to view a beautiful Diamond Fuji from the observatory. The “Byobugaura,” a cliff that stretches for 10km, is also a famous tourist spot, and the surrounding area allows you to enjoy the geology and nature as “Choshi Geopark”. Here you can enjoy abundant fresh seafood and local specialties.

Choshi inubousaki


Tateyama, located on the tip of the Boso Peninsula facing the Pacific Ocean, is a tourist destination where you can enjoy a warm climate throughout the year. It offers historic buildings, beautiful coastlines, and an area where you can enjoy fresh seafood. The road known as the Boso Flower Line offers a beautiful scenery filled with seasonal flowers. Along the way, there are many spots where you can enjoy sightseeing and delicious food. In addition, in spring, Castle Mountain Park is blooming with various flowers, and at Tateyama Castle located at the mountain’s summit, you can touch upon stories and history related to local warlords.

Tateyama Castle


Kujukuri Beach is a beautiful coastline extending 66 kilometers in eastern Chiba Prefecture. The name originates from the past when 99 arrows (each representing 1 “Ri,” approximately 4 kilometers) were placed along the coastline. There are numerous bathing beaches, and it is a popular spot for surfers throughout the year. It’s easily accessible by car and is a recommended place for walks and relaxation along the coast. Apart from summer, it is relatively uncrowded, providing a peaceful atmosphere for strolling.


3.Local Food

Introduction to Eastern Japan’s  Ramen: Part 2
In Eastern Japan, particularly in the Kanto region, ramen based on chicken bones and soy sauce has traditionally been favored. Below, we introduce the representative ramen of the Tohoku, Kanto, Nagano, and Niigata regions.
Introduction to Donburi Dishes with Seafood
Donburi, a dish of ingredients served over a large bowl of white rice, comes in styles such as seafood donburi where fresh seafood is served over sushi rice, or styles where grilled or simmered seafood is seasoned and served over white rice.
Introduction to Sushi: Part 2
In this part, we introduce tuna, the most popular fish used in sushi. In Japan, tuna is the most popular fish. In fact, about 25% of all tuna caught worldwide is consumed in Japan. From expensive black tuna used in high-end sushi restaurants to cheap albacore tuna used in conveyor belt sushi restaurants, a variety of types of tuna are distributed as food.

4.Transportation Information

■How to Get to Naritasan Shinshoji Temple
Naritasan Shinshoji Temple Official Website (Available in English, Korean, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, and Thai)

■How to Get to Nokogiriyama
Nokogiriyama Nihonji Official Website

■How to Get to Choshi
Choshi City Official Website (Available in English, Korean, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese)

■How to Get to Kujukuri Beach
Kujukuri Town Official Website (Multilingual)

■How to Get to Tateyama
Tateyama City Tourism Association (Available in English, Korean, Traditional Chinese)

5.Map Information

Map of Chiba Prefecture