Reviews,Local food,Transportation Information,and Map Information of Matsumoto Castle, Zenkoji Temple, and Togakushi Shrine

Historic landmark

1.Basic Information


Zenkoji Temple in Nagano city has a long history of about 1400 years. Its main deity is Amidanyorai, flanked by Kanzeon-bosatu and Seishi-bosatu. Notably, the temple is currently managed by two sects, Tendai and Jodo. It’s non-sectarian and has been visited by many since the Edo period. Every seven years, there’s a special event where an identical “pre-established deity” (Maedachi-honzon) is placed in the main hall for worship.

Zenko-ji Temple

North-facing Kannon (Kitamuki-kanonon)

The North-facing Kannon is located at Bessho Onsen in Ueda city, Nagano and belongs to the Tendai sect. The temple faces north, hence its name. As mentioned, Zenkoji in Nagano city is believed to provide benefits for the next life, while the North-facing Kannon provides benefits for this life, leading many to visit both temples.

Kitamuki Kannon

Togakushi Shrine (Togakushi-Jinjya)

Located at the foot of Mt. Togakushi, this shrine comprises the Okusya, Tyusya, Houkousya, Kuzuryusya, and Hinomikosya. It has a history spanning over two thousand years and has been a spiritual training ground since ancient times. Today, it’s known as a power spot, drawing visitors from all over Japan.

Togakushi Shrine

Matsumoto Castle (Matumotojyou)

Matsumoto Castle in Matsumoto city, Nagano is known as the oldest surviving castle keep in Japan. Recognized for its historic value, it’s designated as a national treasure along with Himeji Castle, Inuyama Castle, Hikone Castle, and Matsue Castle. The castle showcases features from various periods: the Sengoku era portion focuses on defense, while the Edo period reflects a more peaceful and decorative era. Although the castle appears to be five stories from the outside, there is a hidden floor, making it a six-story structure.

Matsumoto Castle

Suwa Shrine (Suwa-Taisya)

Located near Lake Suwa, the Suwa Shrine consists of the Honmiya, Maemiya, Akimiya, and Harumiya. Since ancient times, it has been revered as a deity of nature and agriculture. Particularly notable is the Onbashira Festival, a large-scale event held once every seven years. During this festival, a large wooden pillar, approximately 1m in diameter, 17m in length, and weighing 12 tons, is cut from the mountain, transported to the town, and erected around the shrine.

Suwa Taisha (or Suwa Grand Shrine)


Mirror Pond in Togakushi (Kagamiike)

Located at an altitude of 1200m, this tranquil pond beautifully reflects the Togakushi mountain range through all seasons. The autumn foliage is especially recommended. A walkway surrounds the pond, and it’s also connected to the Togakushi Forest Botanical Garden.

Togakushi's Kagami Pond

3.Local Food

Introduction to cold Japanese Soba
In Japan, there are two ways to eat soba: cold soba and warm soba. This article introduces the menu of cold soba, which represents Japan.
Introducing distinctive meat dishes.
In Japanese cuisine, there are meats such as offal, horse meat, and whale meat, which are not commonly eaten in daily life. Each region has its own traditional meat dishes, and these are known as local specialties and famous products of the area.
Introduction to hot pot dishes using meat from all over Japan
Japanese hot pot cuisine is a dish where various ingredients are simmered in a broth. The broth, made from kelp and bonito flakes, is flavored with soy sauce or miso. Thinly sliced beef or pork, vegetables, and tofu are added. Eating together deepens the bonds with family and friends, making it especially popular during the cold seasons.

4.Transportation Information

■How to get to Zenkoji
Zenkoji Official Site (Available in English and Simplified Chinese)

■How to get to North-facing Kannon
Ueda city Official Site (Available in English, Korean, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, and Thai)

■How to get to Togakushi Shrine
Togakushi Shrine Official Site (Available in English)

■How to get to Matsumoto Castle
Matsumoto Castle Official Site (Available in English, Korean, Simplified Chinese, and Traditional Chinese)

■How to get to Suwa Shrine
Suwa Tourism Association Official Site (Available in English and Traditional Chinese)

5.Map Information

Map of Nagano Prefecture