Reviews, Local food , Transportation Information, and Map Information of Aizu, Lake Inawashiro, and the Tadami Line

Natural scenery

1.Basic Information

The Aizu region of Fukushima Prefecture offers a variety of attractions. In Aizuwakamatsu City, you can feel the deep history at Tsuruga Castle, while Lake Inawashiro and Mount Bandai let you experience the grandeur of nature. Also, by riding the steam locomotive on the Tadami Line, you can enjoy a scenic train journey.

Tsuruga Castle (Turugashiro)

Built about 630 years ago, Tsuruga Castle is a historic and famous castle. It became well-known for the fierce battle that took place here during the Boshin War between the old government’s shogunate forces and the new Meiji government forces. In 2011, its roof was reconstructed with red tiles, making it the only castle tower in Japan with a red-tiled roof. It’s also renowned for its cherry blossoms in spring and autumn foliage.

Sakura no Tsuruga Castle
Tsuruga Castle with autumn leaves

Aizu Sazaedo (Aidu sazaedou)

Built in 1796 on Iimori Mountain in Aizuwakamatsu City, Fukushima Prefecture, Aizu Sazaedo is a unique hexagonal three-story building that stands 16.5m tall. It houses 33 Kannon statues, and visitors can worship at all 33 in one visit. The temple’s unique double helix ramp structure ensures that visitors can worship without passing each other.

Tsuruga Castle with autumn leaves

Lake Inawashiro and Mount Bandai (Inawashiroko to Aidubandaisan)

Located to the south of Mount Bandai, Lake Inawashiro is the fourth-largest lake in Japan and is known for its clear waters. Mount Bandai has experienced two major collapses, with the collapse 50,000 years ago believed to have created Lake Inawashiro. Okinajima Island, situated in the lake, is thought to have formed as a result of this collapse.

Lake Inawashiro and Mount Bandai

Goshikinuma (Five Colored Ponds)

Following the collapse of Mount Bandai in 1888, several lakes and marshes were formed, among which the “Goshikinuma” stands out. Recognized by the Michelin Green Guide with one star, Goshikinuma consists of ponds of various colors, and the surrounding area of Mount Bandai is abundant with magnificent scenery and hot springs.


Tadami Line (Tadamisen)

The pass between Tadami Station and Obinata Station on the Tadami Line, connecting Fukushima and Niigata Prefectures, was opened in 1971. The line offers breathtaking views of lakes and World Heritage-class beech forests, making it a popular spot for railway photography.

 Fresh green Tadami Line
Snow Tadami Line

Rokujyurigoe Pass (Rokujyurigoe)

Named after its historic length, the Rokujyurigoe Pass connects Niigata and Fukushima Prefectures via National Route 252. The pass is beautiful in spring with mountain cherry blossoms and in autumn with colorful leaves. The nearby Tadami Line, a scenic local rail route, enhances the driving experience.

Rokujuri Koshi


SL Ban’etsu Monogatari (Steam Locomotive Ban’etsu Tale)

The “SL Ban’etsu Monogatari” is a special steam locomotive service that runs between Niitsu Station and Aizuwakamatsu Station. It is the longest steam-operated train in Japan with eight carriages.

SL Banetsu Monogatari

Taishi Village (Taishisyuuraku)

The “Taishi Village” and “Kaneyama Friendship Plaza” along the Tadami River are popular photography spots for the Tadami Line. The view from Shirihuki Pass is particularly recommended. Since there are few Tadami Line trains, plan your trip in advance.

Aspiration Village

3.Local Food

Introducing distinctive meat dishes.
In Japanese cuisine, there are meats such as offal, horse meat, and whale meat, which are not commonly eaten in daily life. Each region has its own traditional meat dishes, and these are known as local specialties and famous products of the area.
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Introduction to Eastern Japan’s  Ramen: Part 2
In Eastern Japan, particularly in the Kanto region, ramen based on chicken bones and soy sauce has traditionally been favored. Below, we introduce the representative ramen of the Tohoku, Kanto, Nagano, and Niigata regions.

4.Transportation Information

■How to get to Aizu
Fukushima Prefecture Tourism Revival Promotion Committee Official Site (Available in multiple languages)

■Information on SL Banetsu Monogatari (Steam Locomotive)
JR East (Available in multiple languages)

Steam locomotive parked on platform

5.Map Information

The Aizu region is located in the western part of Fukushima Prefecture, surrounded by the Echigo and Ou mountain ranges. In winter, there is a lot of snow, making skiing popular, while in summer, the high temperatures make the highlands and Lake Inawashiro popular for leisure activities. The main crops are rice and buckwheat, with areas like Kitakata City and Inawashiro being particularly well-known for their buckwheat.

Map of Fukushima Prefecture