Reviews,Local food,Transportation Information,and Map Information of Ginzan Onsen and Yamadera

Historic landmark

1.Basic Information

Ginzan Onsen feels like a place where time has stopped. Wooden inns line the banks of the Ginzan River, and gas lamps light up in the evening, offering a sense of nostalgia. This location bears a resemblance to the setting of the anime “Spirited Away,” and is also famous as a filming location for the nationally acclaimed drama “Oshin.”

Night view of Ginzan Onsen
Retro Ginzan Onsen

Snowy Ginzan Onsen

Ginzan Onsen is especially beautiful on snowy nights, bustling with international tourists taking photographs. The snow-covered town shines even brighter with the illumination.

Ginzan Onsen in the Snow
Winter in Ginzan Onsen

Silver Mine Cave (Ginkoudou)

The hot spring town also features a silver mine cave, a remnant of an old silver mine. Inside the cave, lighting and walkways are provided, but the silence and cool air offer a feeling akin to another world.

Silver Mine Cave


Hanagasa Festival (Hanagasa-maturi)

The Yamagata Hanagasa Festival is a large-scale summer festival that takes place in Yamagata City every year from August 5th to 7th. It is considered one of the major festivals representing the Tohoku region and attracts around one million visitors. Particularly famous is the “Hanagasa Ondo” dance; the parade starts at 6 p.m. with approximately 14,000 dancers chanting “Yasho, Makasho” as they dance along a 1.2 km parade route, followed by spectacular floats.

Hanagasa Festival

Rissyakuji (Commonly known as Yamadera)

This temple is generally known as Yamadera and has been a representative tourist destination of Yamagata Prefecture since its establishment in 860. The most striking feature is the 1,015-step stone staircase, said to eliminate worldly desires. Surprisingly, the steps are quite easy to climb and usually take about an hour and a half for a round trip. Especially during the autumn foliage, the area offers stunning views and is an excellent spot for photography.


3.Local Food

Introduction to East Japan’s  Ramen: Part 1
Introducing ramen from various parts of Eastern Japan.
Introduction to unique Soba
Japan is known for its unique soba dishes, which feature unusual ingredients and cooking methods.
Introduction to cold Japanese Soba
In Japan, there are two ways to eat soba: cold soba and warm soba. This article introduces the menu of cold soba, which represents Japan.

4.Transportation Information

How to get to Ginzan Onsen:
Yamagata Prefecture Official Site (English, Korean, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, Thai)

How to get to Yamadera:
Yamadera Tourism Association Official Site (English, Traditional Chinese)

5.Map Information

Map of Yamagata Prefecture