Reviews,Local food,Transportation Information, and Map Information of Lake Mashu and Lake Kussharo

Natural scenery

1.Basic Information

In eastern Hokkaido’s Akan Mashu National Park, there are two beautiful lakes: Lake Mashu (Mayuuko) and Lake Kussharo (Kussyaroko). Lake Mashu is famous as the second clearest lake in the world, known as “Mashu Blue,” and it has been highly rated in the Michelin Green Guide Japan. The neighboring Lake Kussharo is Japan’s largest caldera lake, offering different landscapes each season. In particular, the lake freezes in winter, becoming the largest in Japan.

Superb view of Lake Mashu
Panoramic view of Lake Mashu

Lake Mashu’s Breathtaking View

Lake Mashu recorded the world’s highest transparency in 1931 and is currently the second clearest lake in the world (1st is Russia’s Lake Baikal). Meanwhile, the summer season often brings fog, giving rise to the name “Foggy Lake Mashu.”

Transparency of Lake Mashu

Sunrise at Lake Mashu

The mysterious veil of fog over Lake Mashu lends the lake an ethereal image. Especially in the early morning, a dynamic sea of clouds may appear over the lake, impressing visitors with its beautiful scenery.

Sunrise over Lake Mashu

Lake Kussharo as Seen from Bihoro Pass

Lake Kussharo is Japan’s largest caldera lake. The view from Bihoro Pass is a popular spot for photography. This location is also accessible by direct bus from Memanbetsu Airport, so even those without a car can reach it.

Lake Kussharo seen from Bihoro Pass

Winter at Lake Kussharo

Lake Kussharo is Japan’s largest freezing freshwater lake, and in winter, special natural spectacles can be seen. Swans gather on the lake, and the phenomenon known as “Omiwatari,” where the frozen surface suddenly cracks, can sometimes be observed.

Lake Kussharo in winter


Angel’s Ladder of Lake Mashu

A phenomenon occurs where light shines down from the clouds, illuminating the ground like a spotlight, creating a beautiful scene. This phenomenon is referred to as the “Angel’s Ladder” of Lake Mashu.

Angel's Ladder at Lake Mashu

Sulphur Mountain (Iouzan)

“Sulphur Mountain,” an active volcano standing at 512m, can be explored via the “Tsutsujigahara Nature Exploration Trail” from the town of Kawarayu Onsen. Guided tours are also available from June to July, allowing visitors to get close to the steam vents.

Mount Iwo

3.Local Food

Introduction to Donburi Dishes with Meat
The meal style of topping cooked meat on rice is called "Donburi," and various menus are offered at major beef bowl chain restaurants. The simplicity, low cost, and satisfaction of fullness make meat-topped donburi popular among many people.
Introduction to hot pot dishes using seafood from all over Japan
Japan boasts a wealth of fresh seafood and mountain produce, with each region having its own signature hot pot dishes made from these ingredients. Hokkaido is renowned for its seafood hot pots, while Miyagi and Hiroshima prefectures are famous for their oyster hot pots. These are specialty regional dishes that highlight the unique features of each area.
Introduction to Sashimi
Sashimi is a traditio

4.Transportation Information

■Directions from JR Mashu Station & Kawarayu Onsen Station
Tour Bus Timetable & Fares (English Supported)

Kawayu Onsen Station
Mashu Station

5.Map Information

Located about 80 kilometers north of Kushiro City, this area is known for its extreme cold in winter. Temperatures below -20℃ are not uncommon, and in 2010 and 2019, extreme cold below -30℃ was recorded. Amidst this harsh cold, the phenomenon of “diamond dust,” where moisture in the air freezes, can sometimes be observed.

Map of Hokkaido