Reviews,Local Gourmet,Traffic Information,and Map Information of Matsushima,Fukuura Bridge,Godaido Temple,Entsuin Temple

Natural scenery

1.Basic Information

Matsushima, located in Miyagi Prefecture in the Tohoku region, is renowned for its stunning landscape, designated as one of the three most scenic spots in Japan. The coastline, dotted with over 260 islands of various sizes, is renowned for its beauty. Additionally, Matsushima offers a mix of history and culture, including landmarks such as Zuiganji Temple. Key attractions in Matsushima include:

Matsushima in Summer
Matsushima in Autumn

Matsushima Bay and Sightseeing Cruises

To fully enjoy Matsushima, it’s recommended to tour the area by boat. This allows visitors to appreciate its beauty throughout the changing seasons.

Panorama of Matsushima

Fukuura Bridge (Fukuurahasi)

The Fukuura Bridge, spanning 252 meters and being the longest in Matsushima, is said to attract good relationships for those who cross it.

Fukuura Bridge

Godaido Temple

Godaido Temple, the symbol of Matsushima, was originally established as the Bishamondo Temple by General Sakanoue no Tamuramaro in 807 during his conquest of the Tohoku region. The present building was constructed in 1604 by Date Masamune and has been designated as an important cultural property of Japan.

Godaido Temple

Entsuin Temple

This temple enshrines Date Masamune’s grandson, Mitsumune. It is known for its beautiful Japanese gardens and famous autumn illumination.

Autumn Leaves at Entsuin Temple


There are many tourist attractions in Matsushima, but Entsuin Temple holds a special place. Particularly in autumn, its beauty stands out, captivating all who see it. During this season, night-time illuminations are also held, which make the place even more stunning. This time, I visited just after a rain shower, and I was deeply moved by the beautiful contrast created by the sunlight shining through the trees and the colors of the autumn leaves. Of all the places I’ve visited, the beauty of Entsuin Temple remains most vividly in my memory. I especially recommend visiting in mid-November when the leaves are at their best.

The Garden of Entsuin Temple

I took a sightseeing boat from Shiogama Port and toured Matsushima in about 50 minutes. The view from the boat, as expected of one of Japan’s three most scenic spots, was extremely beautiful. They sold bird food on the boat, and it was a fun experience to throw it into the sea and see many sea birds gather.

Seagulls of Matsushima Bay

I crossed the Fukuura Bridge to the island. The entrance fee to the island was 200 yen for adults, and the island was well-maintained. It took quite a bit of energy to go around the entire island, but it was a valuable experience.

3.Local Food

Introduction to hot pot dishes using seafood from all over Japan
Japan boasts a wealth of fresh seafood and mountain produce, with each region having its own signature hot pot dishes made from these ingredients. Hokkaido is renowned for its seafood hot pots, while Miyagi and Hiroshima prefectures are famous for their oyster hot pots. These are specialty regional dishes that highlight the unique features of each area.
Introduction to Eastern Japan's Yakisoba
Yakisoba is a dish made by frying boiled noodles on a griddle, seasoned with a special sauce, vegetables, and meat (mainly pork). The sauce is a crucial element that defines the flavor of yakisoba, and its characteristics vary by region. In Eastern Japan, Yokote yakisoba from Akita Prefecture is particularly famous.
Introduction to East Japan’s  Ramen: Part 1
Introducing ramen from various parts of Eastern Japan.

4.Traffic Information

It’s a 7-minute walk from Matsushima Kaigan Station on the JR Senseki Line. From Sendai Station on the JR Tohoku Shinkansen, it takes about 40 minutes to get to Matsushima Kaigan Station on the Senseki Line. If you are going by boat, there are sightseeing boats to Matsushima from Marine Gate Shiogama at Hon-Shiogama Station on the JR Senseki Line.
Matsushima Pleasure Cruise Ferry Timetable: Official Site

Sightseeing Ferry in Matsushima Bay
Matsushima Kaigan Station

5.Map Information

Matsushima Town, located in Miyagi Prefecture in the Tohoku region, faces Matsushima Bay on the Pacific Ocean and is known for Matsushima, one of Japan’s three most scenic spots. Along with Shichigahama Town and Rifu Town, it forms Miyagi District. The town experienced significant shaking during the Great East Japan Earthquake in 2011, but the tsunami damage was relatively minor compared to the surrounding area. It’s thought that this was due to the shallow, multi-island seascape of Matsushima Bay, which weakened the power of the tsunami.

map of miyagi prefecture in japan