Reviews, Local food , Transportation Information, and Map Information of Mt. Moiwa

Natural scenery

1.Basic Information

Located in central Sapporo, the 531m-tall Mt. Moiwa is a famous place where you can enjoy magnificent panoramas of Sapporo city and the Sea of Japan.

Sunset at Mt. Moiwa
Distant view of Mt. Moiwa

View of Sapporo city from Mt. Moiwa

From the foot to the middle of Mt. Moiwa, you can use a ropeway or an automobile road, and from the middle to the summit, you can use a mini cable car. There are five hiking trails that you can climb in light clothing, and the mountain is bustling with hikers on weekends.

General view of Mt. Moiwa

Night view from Mt. Moiwa

From the observatory at the summit of Mt. Moiwa, you can overlook the Ishikari Plain and Ishikari Bay, and enjoy the beautiful night view of Sapporo city. Since 2015, this night view of Sapporo has been recognized as one of Japan’s New Three Major Night Views, along with Nagasaki and Kobe.

Night view of Mt. Moiwa

Mt. Moiwa Observatory

You can reach the Mt. Moiwa Observatory by transferring from the ropeway to the mini cable car. The observatory also houses a restaurant and souvenir shops.

Mt. Moiwa Observatory


Autumn leaves of Mt. Moiwa

Mt. Moiwa in Sapporo is a famous spot for autumn leaves. You can reach the summit in 15 minutes using the ropeway and mini cable car. During the day, you can enjoy beautiful autumn leaves, and at night, the wonderful night view selected as one of the “New Three Major Night Views of Japan.

Autumn leaves of Mt. Moiwa

Love locks at Mt. Moiwa

The observatory at Mt. Moiwa has a “bell of happiness.” Couples can ring the bell and attach a “love padlock” inscribed with their names to the railing. There is a legend that says that couples who do this will never break up. Love padlocks can be purchased at the ropeway station. You can also borrow a marker pen to write not only names but also a commemorative message.

Padlock of love

3.Local Food

Introduction to Donburi Dishes with Meat
The meal style of topping cooked meat on rice is called "Donburi," and various menus are offered at major beef bowl chain restaurants. The simplicity, low cost, and satisfaction of fullness make meat-topped donburi popular among many people.
Introduction to hot pot dishes using seafood from all over Japan
Japan boasts a wealth of fresh seafood and mountain produce, with each region having its own signature hot pot dishes made from these ingredients. Hokkaido is renowned for its seafood hot pots, while Miyagi and Hiroshima prefectures are famous for their oyster hot pots. These are specialty regional dishes that highlight the unique features of each area.
Introduction to Sashimi
Sashimi is a traditio

4.Transportation Information

■How to get to Mt. Moiwa
Official tram website (English, Korean, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, Thai)

■How to get to Mt. Moiwa Observatory
Cable Car/Ropeway Schedule & Fare (English)

Mt. Moiwa Ropeway

5.Map Information

Sapporo is the fourth most populous city in Japan and plays a central role in Hokkaido. From April to June, there are many sunny days, making it pleasant to spend time there. From December to February, the cold is severe, and there is a lot of snow, with cumulative snowfall sometimes reaching approximately 5 meters. The existence of a major city with around 2 million inhabitants in such a heavy snowfall region is quite rare in the world.

map of hokkaido