Reviews, Local food, Transportation, and Map Information of Naoshima

Natural scenery

1.Basic Information

Naoshima is located in the Seto Inland Sea near Shodoshima and the Seto Ohashi Bridge, and belongs to Kagawa Prefecture. It used to be a fishing village with a population of about 3,000, but now it is a nationally known island of art. The Benesse Art Site is located in the southern part of the island, and you can travel between museums on the site by shuttle bus. There is also a rental bicycle shop near the ferry landing, which allows you to tour the island freely.

 Panoramic view of Naoshima

Benesse Art Site

The Benesse Art Site Naoshima is the center of tourism on Naoshima. Established in 1992 as a facility combining a museum and a hotel, it was built on a hill overlooking the Seto Inland Sea. Its concept is “coexistence of nature, architecture, and art”, and is particularly recommended for those who want to enjoy the architecture of Tadao Ando.

 Benesse Art Site

Torii Half-Buried in the Sand

The Ebisu Shrine in Naoshima Town, characterized by its torii gate half-buried in the sandy beach, offers a fusion of natural and artificial features, almost like a work of art.

Torii of Ebisu Shrine


This work, presented at the “Open Air ’94” Out of Bounds held in Naoshima in 1994, is by artist Yayoi Kusama. The work is installed on an old pier extending into the sea, and its bright yellow color stands out vividly against the blue of the sea and the green of the trees.

Pumpkins in Naoshima


The torii gate of Ebisu Shrine is located on the sandy beach of Naoshima’s Kotobuki Beach, and you can enjoy the scenery of the Seto Inland Sea. The torii gate is only about the height of a person, and it is called a buried torii gate because it reached its current height due to the accumulation of sand by waves and wind. This torii gate is easily accessible from the end point of the island’s bus tour, “Tsutsuji-so-mae”. In addition, there is a piece of art called Yellow Pumpkin nearby, which is a popular spot for tourists.

Sandy Torii Gate

Despite being a small island, Naoshima attracts tourists with many art works and facilities, such as the Chichu Art Museum, Benesse Museum, and Yayoi Kusama’s Pumpkin. It is especially famous as an island of art, with a hotel and museum designed by architect Tadao Ando, making it a must-see spot for art lovers. Moreover, you can also enjoy the beautiful sea view.

Naoshima Sunset

3.Local Food

Introduction to Western Japan’s Udon: Part 2
Originating from Kagawa Prefecture in Shikoku, Sanuki udon is one of Japan's representative udon noodles. Once limited to Western Japan, it is now popular nationwide, with numerous national Sanuki udon chains. Additionally, in Kyushu, you can enjoy various regional udon noodles, such as Nagasaki Sara udon and Fish udon, each with their unique characteristics.
Introduction to Western Japan’s  Ramen: Part 1
In Western Japan, there are several nationally famous types of ramen. Among them, Onomichi Ramen from Hiroshima Prefecture and Wakayama Ramen from Wakayama Prefecture are particularly well-known. Recently, Toyama Black Ramen, characterized by its black soup, has also gained popularity. Each of these ramen types has its unique flavor, symbolizing the diversity of Japanese ramen culture.
Introduction to Western Japan's Yakisoba
Yakisoba is also widely made in Western Japan at food stalls, festivals, and as a home-cooked meal. It is easy to prepare, delicious, and deeply rooted in Japan's everyday food culture. Notably, the "Nagasaki Kata-yaki Soba," made with thin noodles fried in oil, enjoys nationwide popularity.

4.Transportation Information

If you are going to Naoshima from Honshu
Get off at JR Uno Station in Okayama Prefecture, take the Shikoku Ferry from Uno Port to Miyaura Port or Honmura Port on Naoshima in about 20 minutes

If you are going to Naoshima from Shikoku
From JR Takamatsu Station, take the Shikoku Ferry from Sanport Takamatsu to Miyaura Port on Naoshima in 50 minutes, or a high-speed passenger ship in 30 minutes

You can check it on the Shikoku Ferry official website. (Available in English, Korean, Simplified Chinese, and Traditional Chinese)

Shikoku Steamship
Naoshima Port

5.Map Information

Naoshima is the central island of the 27 islands in the Seto Inland Sea, located 13km north of Takamatsu City in Kagawa Prefecture and 3km south of Tamano City in Okayama Prefecture. It is also known for being the setting of a James Bond novel and the location of a Mitsubishi Materials factory, and it is said to have the largest gold production in the East.

Map of Kagawa Prefecturert