Reviews,Local food,Transportation Information,and Map Information of Miyakejima, Hachijojima, Mikurajima, Chichijima, and Hahajima

Natural scenery

1.Basic Information

In the southern part of the Izu Islands, there are islands like Mikurajima, Miyakejima, and Hachijojima, each with its own natural beauty and culture. Further south, the Ogasawara Islands are located about 1,000 km away from Tokyo and have never been connected to any continent, allowing for a unique ecosystem. These islands were registered as a World Natural Heritage site in 2011.


Oyama, with an elevation of 775 meters, is an active volcano. There was a significant eruption in 2000, and the mountain has since been covered with lava, eliminating the forest that once thrived there. Due to the risk of eruptions, the area around the summit is off-limits.

Panorama of Miyakejima
Lava of Miyakejima


Mikurajima is located about 190 km away from Tokyo and is an island covered with beautiful primary forests. Dolphin-watching is particularly famous, and you can encounter wild dolphins all year round. However, the waves are often high, and boat cancellations are frequent, so a flexible travel plan is necessary.

Panorama of Mikurajima
Dolphins of Mikurajima


Hachijojima is a 55-minute flight from Tokyo and offers a convenient taste of beautiful southern islands. With palm trees and colorful flowers, the island also offers local cuisine and local sake. Once an island for exiles, exploring its historical streets is recommended. The summit of the mountain, called Hachijo Fuji, has a unique sunken crater offering a 360-degree panoramic view.

Panorama of Hachijojima


Chichijima is in the Ogasawara Islands and has a unique landscape and beautiful oceanic scenery, hosting a variety of creatures like humpback whales, dolphins, green turtles, coral reefs, and tropical fish. Particularly, Chichijima is the center of the Ogasawara Islands, with about 2,000 residents. It is the main tourist hub with regular routes to the mainland.

Panorama of Chichijima
Beautiful Sea of Chichijima


Hahajima is located about 50 km south of Chichijima, with about 450 residents. The only form of transportation is a boat from Chichijima, so extra time is needed when planning a visit.

Panorama of Hahajima
Sea of Hahajima


Whale Watching in Ogasawara

The Ogasawara Islands are a paradise for whale watching. Humpback whales can be seen frequently from December to May. On the other hand, sperm whales are recommended from May to November. Local tour companies offer half-day or full-day whale-watching tours, where you can experience whales up close. If you’re lucky, you may also spot whales while traveling on the regular ship “Hahajimamaru” between Chichijima and Hahajima.

Whales of the Ogasawara Islands

Farewell to Fishing Boats in Chichijima

The send-off of the Ogasawara Maru is truly worth seeing. While some people wave from the shore, some even dive into the water to say goodbye. What’s most incredible is that tourist and fishing boats accompany the Ogasawara Maru. In the finale, people even jump from the accompanying boats, making it a breathtaking moment. This send-off makes many people think, “I want to come back.”

Fishing boats accompanying the Ogasawara Maru

3.Local Food

Introduction to Ingredients Made with Fermented Foods
Japan has many fermented foods, including indispensable Japanese seasonings like soy sauce and miso. This time, we will introduce ingredients made with these fermented foods.
Introduction to hot pot dishes using seafood from all over Japan
Japan boasts a wealth of fresh seafood and mountain produce, with each region having its own signature hot pot dishes made from these ingredients. Hokkaido is renowned for its seafood hot pots, while Miyagi and Hiroshima prefectures are famous for their oyster hot pots. These are specialty regional dishes that highlight the unique features of each area.
Introduction to Sashimi
Sashimi is a traditio

4.Transportation Information

■ How to Get to the Izu Seven Islands
Official site of Tokyo Prefecture (English, Korean, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese)

Tokai Kisen Official Site (English, Korean, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese)

ANA Official Site (Multilingual)

■ How to Get to the Ogasawara Islands
Ogasawara Kaiun Official Site (English)

Ogasawara Maru
Futami Port in Chichijima

5.Map Information

The Ogasawara Islands are part of Tokyo Prefecture, located 1,000 km south of Tokyo. More than 30 islands exist, but only Chichijima and Hahajima are habitable. There are no airports, so the only means of transportation is by boat. With only one service per week and a journey time of 24 hours, it’s often called “Japan’s last unexplored region.” The climate is subtropical, allowing you to enjoy a southern atmosphere similar to Okinawa throughout the year.

Map of the Ogasawara Islands