Reviews,Local food,Transportation Information,and Map Information of Zao’s Ice Monsters and Okama Crater

Natural scenery

1.Basic Information

The Zao Mountain Range is located within the Ou Mountains that stretch north to south in the Tohoku region, bordering Miyagi and Yamagata Prefectures. This area is formed by a group of volcanoes created by volcanic activity. It is also an active volcano under constant observation, with the Okama crater lake and steam vents present. Hot spring resorts and ski areas are scattered at the foot of the mountains, making it a major tourist spot in both Miyagi and Yamagata Prefectures.

Morning glow in Zao

Zao Ropeway

The Zao Ropeway connects Zao Hot Springs to the peak of Zao Mountain and is used by tourists, climbers, and skiers. It consists of the Foothills Line (about 7 minutes) and the Summit Line (about 10 minutes), and allows you to enjoy the changing scenery of the four seasons. There are events for spring’s new green, star gazing in summer, autumn leaves in fall, and rime ice light-up in winter. There is also a restaurant at the summit where you can enjoy a meal while taking in the grandeur of nature.

Zao Ropeway

Zao Ice Monsters

The unique climatic and vegetation conditions of Zao produce rare art forms of ice and snow in the world. Each one is unique, constantly changing in shape, and is grand and delicate. These are also known as “Snow Monsters” and are known as the Zao Ice Monsters.

Frost-covered trees in Zao

Okama Crater in Zao

The “Okama” is a round crater lake surrounded by the mountains of Zao, emanating a mystical atmosphere with its rough crater walls and emerald green lake surface. It is a symbol of Zao along with the winter rime ice. There have been 26 eruptions so far, with the latest one occurring in 1895. The lake water is highly acidic and no creatures can live in it, and the color changes depending on the angle of the sunlight, so it is also called the Five-Color Lake.

Okama of Zao


The weather on the Zao Echo Line can change rapidly, so it is recommended to check your clothing, health, weather forecast, and car inspection thoroughly before departure. On a clear day, you can enjoy beautiful autumn leaves, but on rainy or cloudy days, the mountain may become hazy, making the autumn leaves hard to see. Also, there may be situations where visibility is almost zero, so be sure to drive carefully.

Autumn leaves in Zao

The Okama Crater in Zao is a place you can see only when the weather is good and you are lucky. Even on a sunny day, sudden fog can obstruct your view. Even on days when the weather forecast predicts clouds, as you get closer to the Okama, the sun may come out, and by the time you arrive at the Okama, it may be perfect weather. On such days, you can enjoy a spectacular view that looks like a tourist photo.

Blue Okama of Zao

3.Local Food

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Introduction to cold Japanese Soba
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4.Transportation Information

A Yamako bus operates from JR Yamagata Station to Zao Hot Springs. (45 minutes required)
Yamako Bus Timetable (English, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese available)

Zao Ropeway (English, Traditional Chinese available)

Yamagata Shinkansen
Zao Ropeway and Frost-covered trees

5.Map Information

Yamagata Prefecture is designated as a heavy snowfall area in its entirety, and about 75% of it is a special heavy snowfall area. From spring to summer, sudden heat waves due to the foehn phenomenon are not uncommon, while winter brings severe cold. Moreover, the prefecture is known as a kingdom of fruit trees, especially cherries, which are produced in abundance. The high-end brand Satonishiki is famous nationwide as a specialty product.

Map of Yamagata Prefecture