
【Privacy Policy】
This privacy policy outlines the principles that our website, “Compass of Japanese Food and Travel” follows when providing information.

1. Basic Policy
Our website recognizes the importance of personal information and believes that it is our social responsibility to protect it. We comply with all laws and regulations concerning personal information and properly handle the acquisition, use, and management of personal information on our website. We will handle the information collected within the scope of its intended use.

2. Scope of Application
This privacy policy applies only to our website.

3. Acquisition of Personal Information and Purpose of Use
The personal information of visitors acquired on our website, its purpose of use, and storage period are as follows:
3-1. Personal information obtained through inquiries
Our website provides an inquiry form.
We collect the following personal information when a visitor makes an inquiry through the inquiry form:
・Name entered in the inquiry form
・Email address entered in the inquiry form
・Content of inquiry entered in the inquiry form
3-2. Purpose of Use
The purpose is to respond to inquiries. We may also introduce the inquiry on our website as “We received this inquiry.”
3-3. Storage Period
Personal information entered in the inquiry form will be stored for three years.
3-4. Consent to Personal Information Collection
On our website, we ask visitors to confirm this privacy policy before making inquiries through the inquiry form. By making an inquiry, the visitor is considered to have agreed to this privacy policy.
3-5. Acquisition of Personal Information through Cookies
Our website may send cookies to a visitor’s computer. Cookies are a mechanism that saves usage history and input content sent and received between a browser and server on a visitor’s computer as a file when using a website.
3-6. Purpose of Use
The purpose is to enhance the convenience of visitors when browsing our website. Browsers send cookies only to the website’s server for privacy protection.
3-7. Storage Period
Cookies left on our site will be stored for one year.
3-8. Acquisition of Cookie Information by Third Parties
Our website may display advertisements provided by third parties, such as Google Inc., and these third parties may collect and use visitors’ cookie information. The cookie information collected by these third parties will be handled according to their privacy policy.
3-9. Opting Out of Third-Party Advertising Delivery Using Cookie Information
Visitors can access the third party’s website and opt-out of the use of cookie information for advertising delivery by the third party.
3-10. Allowing or Denying the Sending and Receiving of Cookie Information
Visitors can select settings for sending and receiving cookies, such as “allow all cookies,” “reject all cookies,” or “notify the user when a cookie is received.” The setting method varies depending on the browser. Please check your browser’s “Help” menu for settings related to cookies.

4. Management of Personal Information
Our website thoroughly implements the following for the management of information provided by visitors:
4-1. Ensuring the Accuracy of Information
We strive to ensure that the information provided by visitors is always accurate and up-to-date.
4-2. Security Measures
Our website implements appropriate security measures to protect personal information from leakage, loss, or destruction.
4-3. Disposal of Personal Information
We promptly dispose of personal information when it is no longer needed.
4-4. Disclosure, Correction, Addition, Deletion, and Suspension of Use of Personal Information
Upon request from the individual visitor, we will promptly comply with the disclosure, correction, addition, deletion, and suspension of use of personal information after confirming the visitor’s identity.
If you wish to request the above, please contact us via the inquiry form.

5. Provision of Personal Information to Third Parties
This website will not provide personal information collected from visitors to third parties without the consent of the visitor. In the event that we decide to provide personal information to third parties in the future, we will present the information to be provided and the purpose of the provision, and will only provide the information to third parties after obtaining the consent of the visitor.

6. Personal Information of Minors
If a minor submits a comment or inquiry through our website, they must obtain the consent of their legal guardian. By submitting a comment or inquiry, it is assumed that the legal guardian has agreed to our personal information policy.

7. Contact Information
For inquiries regarding this website or the handling of personal information, please contact us through the inquiry form.
Website Operator: Multilingual guide editor

8. Access Analysis Tool
This website uses Google Analytics, an access analysis tool provided by Google. Google Analytics uses cookies to collect access information. This access information is collected anonymously and does not identify individuals. Google Analytics cookies are retained for 26 months. This function can be disabled by disabling cookies in your browser settings.

9. Third-Party Ad Delivery Service
This website uses the third-party ad delivery service “Google Adsense.” Third-party ad delivery providers, such as Google, may use cookies (information about visitors’ access to this website and other websites) to display ads based on visitors’ interests.

10. Amazon Ad Delivery
This website participates in the Amazon Associates Program, an affiliate program designed to provide a means for sites to earn referral fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.co.jp. Third parties (such as Amazon and other advertisers) may provide content and advertisements, collect information directly from visitors, and set or recognize cookies on visitors’ browsers.

11. Changes to the Personal Information Policy
This website complies with Japanese laws and regulations regarding personal information and will review and improve the contents as appropriate. The latest revised personal information policy will always be disclosed on this page.

Established on May 1, 2023

Comments containing any of the following content may not be approved or may be deleted at the discretion of the website operator:
– Defamatory or slanderous statements about specific individuals or entities
– Obscene content
– Content related to the trade of prohibited items or requests for harmful acts that are prohibited by law
– Any other content deemed inappropriate or not suitable for approval by the administrator

2. Accuracy of Information on This Website
We strive to provide accurate information in the content and information on this website. However, there may be inaccuracies, outdated information, or other issues. We do not guarantee the accuracy, legality, or safety of the information.

3. Liability for Damages
Please note that we cannot be held responsible for any damages arising from the content posted on this website. We also assume no responsibility for any information or services provided on websites linked to or from this website through links or banners. We are not liable for any damages incurred by users due to the suspension of services on this website. Users are required to use this website at their own risk.

4. Copyright and Portrait Rights for Images on This Website
Copyrights, portrait rights, and other rights for images on this website belong to their respective rights holders. If there are any issues, please contact us through the inquiry form.

5. Prohibition of Unauthorized Reproduction
Unauthorized reproduction of any copyrighted material on this website, including text, images, and videos, is strictly prohibited. Legal action will be taken for any reproductions that exceed the scope of quotation. If you would like to reproduce any material, please contact us through the inquiry form.

Established on May 1, 2023