Introducing Gunkan Maki

Seafood dishes

Basic Information

Gunkan Maki is a style of sushi where vinegared rice is wrapped with nori (seaweed), and small fish, shellfish, and fish roe are placed on top. It is a way to enjoy delicate and easily crumbled seafood, which can be difficult to handle in nigiri sushi. The resemblance of this sushi to a battleship led to the name “Gunkan” (battleship).

Red cavia (Ikura)

Ikura is primarily salmon or trout roe, which is not commonly consumed outside of Japan. These roe are pickled in soy sauce and served as Gunkan sushi. They are popular for their unique texture and taste.

Flying fish roe (Tobiko)

Tobiko is the roe of flying fish, and the grains are smaller than those of Ikura. Its unique texture is its feature, and because it is relatively affordable, it can often be seen in sushi bento boxes and the like.

Milt (Shirako)

Shirako is the milt of fish, soft in texture and rich in flavor. The Shirako of cod and pufferfish are particularly famous.

Sea urchin(Uni)

Uni is the ovaries or testes of sea urchins. It is especially popular among Gunkan sushi and considered a luxury. The flavor is rich and distinct from other fish, shellfish, and fish roe.

Monkfish liver (Ankimo)

Ankimo is monkfish liver that has been steamed in sake. It is often referred to as the “foie gras of the sea” due to its rich taste.

Minced tuna roll (Negitoro)

Negitoro is minced tuna. It is affordable and delicious, making it a popular menu item in sushi bento and conveyor belt sushi restaurants.

Whitebait (Shirasu)

Shirasu is young sardines. Since it easily loses its freshness, the opportunity to eat it is rare, making Gunkan sushi with raw Shirasu quite a delicacy.

Firefly squid (Hotaruika)

Hotaruika is a small squid, 4-6 cm long, mainly caught in the Sea of Japan. This squid, which can emit light, usually inhabits the deep sea. Its season is from February to May.

Crab tomalley (Kanimiso)

Kanimiso refers to the brown paste-like part collected after removing the shell of a crab. This part corresponds to the liver and pancreas of the crab, and it is known for its rich flavor.